best dog crates for Pitbulls

Limited Deals for the Best Dog Crates for Pitbulls – Expiring Soon!

Many of us can swear by how loyal and affectionate Pitbulls are. However, they still need the same crate training that other dogs undergo. This is in line with the canine instincts of seeking a small lair for refuge. Putting your Pitty in a crate will also help you in obedience and potty training. And when you leave the house, the crate will be their comfort zone. Make sure the purchase the following best dog crates for Pitbulls:

proselect thumbnailProSelect Guardian
Empire Dog Cage/Crate
Check Price
diamond deluxe thumbnailDIAMOND DELUXE
Single Hole Dog Box
Check Price

However, Pitbull crates aren’t made equal. As a pet owner, you only want the best for your Pitbull. Never invest in a flimsy and cheap piece just to save money.

Also, Pitbulls are really strong. If you put them on a fragile crate, they will just chew their way out. Aside from being a waste of money, this will also injure your pooch in the process.

If you don’t want to go home on a shredded sofa, you might as well get an extra large dog crate to house your Pitty.

Benefits of Pitbull crate training

One of the main benefits of crate training is to ensure that your Pitbull establishes a safe zone. When this happens, the pooch will have a refuge in times of separation anxiety. It will also become their territory, thus the end of the “bed invasion”. As you know, Pitbulls are really strong dogs, if you leave them hanging out on your bed as they grow up, your sleep cycle will suffer.

A crate will also help you during training sessions. If you’re trying to housebreak your pooch, it’s best to contain him on the crate and then release him when he’s about to go.

Pitbull crates also make transportation easier for you and your doggo. As you know, it’s illegal in some states to let your pet standing openly at the trunk of your car. If you’re moving or traveling over long distances, a crate will both comfort your dog and provide a safe mode of transit.

In the case of post-surgical recovery, a dog crate is helpful in minimizing your dog’s physical activity. This breed is energetic, and if you don’t contain them in a crate, they will be harming their selves even more.

Lastly, crate training will dampen behavioral issues like destructive chewing and incessant barking. Both of these usually happen once you leave home for work. If the Pitty is left without company, they will likely vent the stress out to your possessions.

Why buy a dog crate

You can always improvise or come up with a DIY crate. But in the case of Pitbulls, it’s hard to take chances. These doggos are master escapists. If you don’t put them on a tough crate, they will be picking the lock easily.

It’s not always wise to let your Pitbull roaming the yard the whole day while you’re away. First, they will chew on anything that will likely piss their stomach. Also, since they are great watchdogs, they might chase other people. If you’re not sure of your Pitty’s behavior when left unleashed and uncaged, you shouldn’t leave them alone without any restraint.

Aside from preventing harm, buying the best dog crates for Pitbulls is like doing your pooch a big favor. Separation anxiety is a common problem on this breed. If they are left alone in a big house or yard, they will feel sad and threatened. Contrary to common notions, a crate actually provides a sense of security to your dog.

Back in the ancient days, canines take refuge on caves and other cramped spots. Since there’s a little space for predators to be present in, dogs feel more at peace.

If your dog has a bad case of separation anxiety, it’s pressing that you purchase a crate. This will trick him of not seeing you when you leave home. Thus, no whining, no angry neighbors, no shredded carpets, and no exaggerated goodbyes.

How Pitbulls escape crates

Before we go straight to the commercial deals I’ve reviewed here, I want to expose how Pitbulls get to escape their cages. Trust me, they are strong and they are great in finding their escape route. My aunt once owned an Amstaff. She put it in a steel cage before running errands. A few hours past and the Pitty is out in the open with two umbrellas already shredded.

How does this “prison break” happen? Well, it doesn’t need many skills for your Pitty to figure out.

First, let’s take a look at the construction of the crate. A lot of dog crates in the market nowadays use thin wires. If the connectors of these wires are exposed, your Pitty can easily chew on it and shred it into pieces. It won’t take much time until your dog gets the crate down. You know what’s the worst part? It will injure his jaw and face.

Granted that you have a solid and extra large dog crate, the next method is to figure out how the latch works. Pitbulls are smart dogs. If they see how you lock the crate, they can easily work their way to unlock it. Give them a month and they can easily have the latch figure out. This escape route could be prevented by using a lock or a slam latch.

Lastly, Pitbulls have such great strength and determination. Have you seen their muscular build? Those muscles can be really strong. A little chewing and lots of forceful wiggling will set them free from the crate.

What to consider when buying a dog crate

To prevent your pooch from escaping the crate and bolting down the street, you have to be meticulous with your option. Always invest in quality construction above all. Here are some of the important considerations:


I can’t stress it enough how important the choice of material is when it comes to buying the best dog crates for Pitbulls. Never pick a wire-type of a crate. If it can be disassembled by humans, it can also be destroyed by a Pitbull. Here’s a quick rundown of crate material options and what we think about it.

Plastic. Seriously, if you own a Pitbull, never purchase this type of crate. Just don’t. You will thank me later.

Pitbulls can easily chew this material if they become very bored inside the crate. Plastic crates are great for transporting pups, but it’s not an ideal pick for long-term use.

Wire metal. I’ve said this before and I’m going to repeat it, metal wires are just a few notches better than plastic crates. If you have a full grown Pitty, this will be an easy job. I’ve seen many Pitbulls get out of this type of crate in less than 5 minutes. If you’re willing to risk it, then you can give this a try. If your Pitbull escaped one wired crate, it can escape all wired crates in the market. Why? Because they are basically constructed in the same collapsible way.

Heavy-duty metal. It’s either the crate is made of metal bars or metal sheets. Galvanized steel and aluminum are excellent options. Make sure that the parts are welded together and not joined by some kind of connector hardware.


Now that we’re done with the material and construction, it’s now time to check the size. How big is your Pitty? Remember that getting the biggest option isn’t a good idea. Too much space can give your Pitty a chance to eliminate or scratch incessantly. The rule of thumb is a crate big enough that they can circle, stand, sit, and lie down on it.

If you leave them with ample space to soil, it will defeat the essence of crate training. If extra large dog crate isn’t the best choice, don’t get a very small piece either. A very small crate will make your pooch uncomfortable. It can also fuel anxiety instead of dampening it.

I can’t give you the exact formula for the size. The key here is to check how big your dog is and take it from there.


Is the material prone to rusting? Is it easy to clean? For sure, your Pitbull will have accidental elimination inside the crate. This is why you should get one that’s easy to access. A crate with a removable tray below or a two-door construction is a good option.

Complicated latches

Latch locks are the top option among pet owners. Since keys can be misplaced, latches offer ease of use. However, look for a crate that uses a slam latch. No matter how durable the crate is, it’s useless if your doggo can easily open the door.


As much as you want your dog to be secured, you shouldn’t forget about ventilation. A box-type crate should have enough opening to let the air in and out of the crate. Take note that dogs can get claustrophobic too. If they don’t have any source of light, things can get really destructive.

Extra large dog crate options for Pitbulls!

As promised, here are two of the limited best dog crates for Pitbulls we have for you. Check which works for your Pitty:

ProSelect Guardian Empire Dog Cage/Crate

best dog crates for PitbullsThis cage from ProSelect is made from 20 gauge steel strong enough to ensure that there’s no escaping for your dog. This is reinforced with 0.5” tubes for added strength. It’s a medium-sized cage with dimensions of 35.75” x 23.5” x 24.5”. If your dog is bigger, you can check out the large one.

Below the solid steel cage is a tray drawer that will catch poo and pee. Cleanup becomes easier and your dog won’t have to be in contact with the excretion. Aside from that, the cage has removable casters in case you want to transfer the kennel to another area. This sports a strong latch but you may want to install a slam type just to be sure.

The ProSelect cages sport a hammertone finish which looks great and it also resists rusting. Even if your pooch tries to escape, the steel bars won’t dent or have obvious damages. It might be a bit expensive, but worth it than purchasing wire crates often.

My only caveat here is that it might be hard to transport. Unless you have a truck, this will be challenging to put into transit.


✔️20-gauge stainless steel                 ✔️0.5 tube steel reinforcement

✔️Floor tray                                          ✔️Removable casters

✔️Aesthetic hammertone finish       ✔️Rust and dent-proof


❌A bit expensive

❌Best for adult Pitbulls only

DIAMOND DELUXE Single Hole Dog Box Crate

best dog crates for PitbullsDo you have a Pitbull puppy with an extreme case of separation anxiety? This Diamond Deluxe Aluminum crate would be the best pick. It has a solid aluminum diamond tread sheet walls with a sturdy bar door. It also has a small handle on top in case you’re transporting your pup.

Inside, there’s a corrugated plastic insulation that keeps your pup comfy even under intense heat. This has a dimension of 7″ X 30″ X 20”, perfect for small Pitties.

This crate is an excellent option, especially for pups that can’t be left alone. It helps in potty training and breaking the spell of separation anxiety.

My Pitty tried chewing on it and days after, he had accepted that it’s indestructible. So far, he’s enjoying the cozy dungeon where I placed a soft towel and a few of his toys.

As for the lock, this is foolproof. It’s a turn latch and key lock that no dog can ever override. It might be on the steep side of price tags but worth it if you’re tired of flimsy options.


✔️Solid aluminum walls           ✔️Foolproof lock

✔️Sturdy construction              ✔️Insulated interior

✔️Breathable and easy to transport


❌Best for puppies only due to its small construction

❌Expensive like the first option

The best dog crates for Pitbulls should be sturdy and long-lasting. You might have to pay a large price tag, but that’s worth it in the long run. If your Pitty keeps on escaping your watch, it’s time to invest in a better option.

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